
New Plant High detail Pinus Echinata02

New Plant High detail Pinus Echinata02 3d model Download  Buy 3dbrute

New Plant High detail Pinus Echinata02

The tree is variable in form, sometimes straight, sometimes crooked, with an irregular crown. The tree reaches heights of 20?€?30 meters (65?€?100 feet) with a trunk diameter of 0.5?€?0.9 m .
The leaves are needle-like, in fascicles (bundles) of two and three mixed together, and from 7?€?11 centimetres long. The cones are 4?€?7 cm long, with thin scales with a transverse keel and a short prickle. They open at maturity but are persistent. Shortleaf pine seedlings develop a persistent J-shaped crook near the ground surface. Axillary and other buds form near the crook and initiate growth if the upper stem is killed by fire or is severed.
The bark has resin pockets, which form small depressions, less than 1 millimeter in diameter. This feature can be used to distinguish P. echinata from all other Pinus species within its native range.

3 Different 3D models in the scene

Height: 21000mm & 15000mm& 20000mm

Big Preview:

1- Materials is archive (material library)
– Corona mtl + Vray mtl + Standard mtl
2-Polys: 542k + Verts: 923k
3- 4K texture + 4K material
4- JPEG (texture), MAX, OBJ + MTL + FBX 2012 + Blender 2.9 + Maya 2018
5- 3dmodels: MAX+OBJ + FBX 2012 + Blender 2.9 + Maya 2018
6- Corona render + Vray (Renderer Engine-MAX + FBX)
– Scanline render (Renderer Engine-MAX + OBJ)
7- Models has unwrapped overlapping and
maps supported traditional 3ds Max texturing.
(tiling coordinates)


– To use the max file you need to use at 3dsmax 2015
– Units: Millimeter
– Clean Topology (quad mesh)
– You Can Add Turbo Smooth

If you have any problems for setting up the models,
send me a message here or via avatar.group.ad@gmail.com

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